Saturday, January 29, 2011

1:00 Brain Mayhem

What exactly does majoring in engineering do to your brain (besides the obvious increase in intelligence)?

It makes you play tetris at 1:00 in the morning. It makes you plan out your every move seconds...minutes...even days before it occurs. It creates a chaos inside of your body that doesn't allow a minute of free time without immediate panic that you should be doing something.

It's a constant motion (never mind whether it is in the x or y direction) that results in a pure bliss. A serene peace in knowing you are accomplishing the biggest dream you could have ever imagined. You are no longer a mere bystander in a world full of creation and chemicals. Everything that goes on around you has changed. Gasoline, rather then being an overpriced liquid that makes your car go, has evolved into a substance full of chemical bonds and intermolecular forces. And that car you drive... it has forces acting on it from every which direction, along with a million different equations to solve for them. And with intelligence comes responsibility. Responsibility to do the 6 hours of homework assigned to you every day; responsibility to say no to that girl in your english class who asks you if you want to go to a party on Friday night.

Relationships change, priorities arise, and your long awaited identity surfaces. Oh, and you blog instead of doing your calculus homework..

In a nutshell, engineering is immensely tumultuous and hectic, however, the end result of having the knowledge to compare this situation with the electronegativity charges in a non-polar molecule, is 100 percent worth it.


  1. LOVE this! I just want to remind you, your beauty is thorough. :)

  2. Aww thank you so much! You honestly make my day all the time! Thank you for being a role model in my life. :)
